Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands: Employment and Entrepreneurship project

Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands project aims for empowering deaf and hard of hearing youngsters with entrepreneurial skills and online educational resources for learning and developing skills for entrepreneurship and employment. Project is also dedicated to improving skills of youth workers for developing educational activities for empowering target groups’ entrepreneurial skills.

Deaf and hard of hearing youngsters are less likely to be employed than the general population. That’s why it’s very important to develop their employment and self-employment skills to help them stand out in the job market.

about us

Welcome to the Empower Employ platform of the project “Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands: Employment and Entrepreneurship”, an Erasmus+ KA220-YOU project dedicated to fostering employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing youth. Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where young people with communication obstacles can thrive in the job market and entrepreneurial ventures.

We believe in the potential of every individual, regardless of their hearing abilities.


“Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands: Employment and Entrepreneurship” is a collaborative effort, bringing together a diverse group of organisations from across Europe, each contributing their unique expertise and experience. Together, we are committed to creating a future where deaf and hard of hearing youth can fully participate in and contribute to society. Join us in our mission to empower, employ, and inspire.

most recent news


Curriculum for youth workers

Curriculum is intended for youth workers, such as professionals from the social welfare system, experts working in the employment sector, individuals working in civil society organisations, who may potentially work with deaf and hard of hearing persons, as well as persons with communication obstacles during their work.

Toolikit for educators

Toolkit is developed to be used by the educators and youth workers; for empowering out-of-the-box entrepreneurial thinking for deaf and hard of hearing youth and youth with communication obstacles.

Online Learning Courses

As part of this platform we offer 2 online learning courses for deaf and hard of hearing youngsters. Courses cover the topics of employability and entrepreneurial skills (1st course), and virtual assistants work and possibilities for employment (2nd course).

project partners

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