The Role of Carolina Albasio in the project

The Role of Carolina Albasio in the project

The Istituto ad Ordinamento Universitario Carolina Albasio (CA) plays a pivotal role in advancing the objectives of the Erasmus+ project focused on empowering deaf and hard of hearing youth. As one of the key partners, CA leverages its expertise in education, inclusion, and professional development to foster greater opportunities for this marginalized group.  


Leadership in Curriculum Testing  

A cornerstone of the project is the “Curriculum for Youth Workers: How to Empower Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youngsters’ Entrepreneurial and Employability Skills.” Carolina Albasio has partaken in the initiative and has led the testing of the curriculum in Italy. Through national training tourses, CA has organized multi-session events aimed at equipping youth workers—spanning social welfare, education, and employment sectors—with the tools to support deaf and hard of hearing youth effectively.  


These courses serve as a platform for youth workers to deepen their understanding of deaf and hard of hearing youth -specific challenges, communication strategies, and the broader landscape of employability and entrepreneurship. The Italian training sessions, under CA’s stewardship, ensure the curriculum is practically validated and tailored to real-world needs.  


Local Workshops for Toolkit Development  


Beyond curriculum testing, Carolina Albasio will host local workshops, designed to test and refine a toolkit that complements the curriculum. These workshops will emphasize interactive, participant-driven activities, enabling youth workers to collaborate directly with deaf and hard of hearing youth individuals. The insights gained through these workshops play a critical role in fine-tuning project outputs, ensuring they are impactful and applicable across diverse contexts.  


Enhancing Visibility Through Digital Outreach  


CA also spearheads the project’s digital communication efforts. By partaking in the development of online educational resources and coordinating one of the social media campaigns, Carolina Albasio ensures that the project’s outcomes reach a wide audience. These resources include accessible training materials, videos, and awareness-raising content that amplify the project’s mission to create inclusive opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing youth.


A Vision for Inclusion  


Carolina Albasio’s involvement reflects a deep commitment to inclusivity and education as tools for social transformation. By actively engaging in curriculum testing, toolkit refinement, and public outreach, the University not only contributes to the professional growth of youth workers but also champions the rights and potential of DHH youth.  


In collaboration with other international partners, the University strives to bridge the gap between challenges and opportunities, paving the way for a more equitable future. Through its leadership and expertise, CA exemplifies how institutions can drive change and inspire inclusivity in local and global contexts. 

About Youth Power Germany e.V.

About Youth Power Germany e.V.

Youth Power Germany e.V. is a dynamic non-profit organization focused on enhancing the well-being, social integration, and empowerment of young people across Germany. Established with the mission to foster positive change within communities, Youth Power Germany specializes in delivering educational projects that emphasize diversity, intercultural dialogue, and active citizenship.


Our Mission and Vision

At Youth Power Germany, we are dedicated to building a society where young people have the resources, skills, and support they need to thrive. Our vision is to inspire youth to engage actively in their communities, make informed choices, and contribute to a more inclusive and resilient society. By promoting values of empathy, tolerance, and leadership, we empower youth to shape the future positively.


Our Areas of Work

  • Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development

We design programs that provide young people with opportunities to develop essential skills, such as leadership, communication, and project management. Through workshops, mentorship, and real-world experiences, participants gain confidence and the competence to lead initiatives within their communities.

  • Social Integration and Intercultural Dialogue

Youth Power Germany promotes intercultural understanding by organizing events, exchanges, and activities that bring together young people from diverse backgrounds. Our projects encourage participants to embrace diversity, challenge stereotypes, and build cross-cultural friendships, ultimately fostering a society that values inclusion and cooperation.

  • Sustainable Development and Green Initiatives

With a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, we develop programs focused on sustainability, green entrepreneurship, and awareness of global ecological challenges. These initiatives encourage young people to adopt eco-friendly practices and advocate for sustainable solutions within their communities.

  • Mental Health and Well-Being

Recognizing the importance of mental health, we are devoted to creating safe spaces where young people can openly discuss well-being, resilience, and self-care. Our projects in this area provide resources, support, and guidance for young people to manage stress, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate emotional intelligence.

Youth Power Germany e.V. is proud to be a trusted leader in youth development, committed to creating sustainable, positive change for future generations.


Youth Power Germany’s Role in the Project

As a key partner in this project, Youth Power Germany e.V. brings its expertise in youth development to the table by leading several essential tasks. Our responsibilities encompass:

  • Designing Youth-Centric Educational Activities

We’ll create programs aimed at cultivating intercultural understanding, communication skills, and fostering a sense of European identity. Through these activities, we aim to encourage participants to share diverse perspectives, build cross-border friendships, and promote tolerance among youth.

  • Facilitating Workshops and Training Sessions

Youth Power Germany will host workshops focusing on skills enhancement and community-building. These sessions are structured to engage participants actively, allowing them to exchange ideas, collaborate effectively, and develop skills to become changemakers within their local communities.

  • Organizing Events and Group Exchanges

In addition to training, we are organizing exchange events that promote cultural immersion and knowledge exchange. These events will enable participants to experience first-hand the diversity within the European Union, strengthening their sense of unity and mutual respect.

Presenting the partners: The Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb

Presenting the partners: The Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb

Today, the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb originated from the first organized group for deaf individuals, established in 1921 under the name “Dobrotvor”. Initially, the society had 25 members who actively collaborated and supported each other in daily challenges. Today, the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb has around 600 deaf and hard of hearing members.


The Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb is a non-political and non-profit organization that primarily focused on social services. It provides various social services to deaf and hard of hearing individuals, including communication support (interpreters), home assistance, counseling and psychosocial support, and help with integration into the educational system and the labor market. Additionally, it participates in organizing community-benefit activities aimed at improving the quality of life for deaf and hard of hearing individuals.


Since its founding, the Association has been dedicated to overcoming communication barriers, which are a major challenge for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Through various informal education programs and activities, the Association provides psychosocial support to its members, helping them overcome communication challenges and facilitating their access to information. Additionally, it organizes educational events and activities for the public to raise awareness about the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing people.


The Association has several sections: the Youth Club, the Retirees Club, the Women’s Club, and the “Medeki” Section (specifically for children). This structure allows the Association to address the needs of all age groups among its members, offering opportunities for participation in activities tailored to their interests and needs.


The Association has extensive experience in managing projects funded by the European Social Fund and the Erasmus+ program, as well as collaborating with other organizations locally, nationally, and internationally through partnership projects.

Õppekava noorsootöötajatele

Õppekava noorsootöötajatele

Esimene selle projekti raames välja töötatud õppematerjal on õppekava pealkirjaga “Noorsoo- töötajate õppekava: Kuidas edendada kurtide ja vaegkuuljate noorte ettevõtlus- ja tööalaseid oskusi”. See on mõeldud noorsootöötajatele, näiteks sotsiaalhoolekandesüsteemi spetsialistidele, tööhõi- vesektori ekspertidele ja kodanikuühiskonna organisa- tsioonides töötavatele isikutele, kes võivad oma töö käigus kokku puutuda kurtide ja vaegkuuljate ning suhtlemisraskustega inimestega. Eesmärk on koolitada neid kurtide ja vaegkuuljate ning suhtlemisraskustega inimeste karjäärinõustamise ja professionaalse juhendamise valdkonnas.


Õppekava koosneb 10 moodulist, iga moodul sisaldab mitmeid sessioone, millele on lisatud üksikasjalikud tegevuste kirjeldused ja rakendamise juhised. Lisaks sisaldab õppekava täiendavaid lugemismaterjale ja materjale, mis on vajalikud kirjeldatud tegevuste elluviimiseks. Õppekava lähtub mitteformaalse hariduse lähenemisviisist, põhimõtetest ja meetoditest. See koosneb interaktiivsetest ja osaluspõhistest meetoditest, mis on kohandatud vastavalt osalejate profiilile ja vajadustele, sealhulgas: interaktiivsed mängud, refleksiooniharjutused, simulatsioonülesanded, individuaalsed tegevused, töö paarides ja rühmades, arutelud kogu grupiga, teoreetilised esitlused, praktilised ülesanded ja kogemuste vahetamine.


Õppekava mooduleid saab kasutada individuaalselt, teistest moodulitest eraldi. Kuigi igal moodulil ja sessioonil on soovituslik kestus, on kõnealune õppekava paindlik, võimaldades tulevastel kasutajatel seda oma vajadustele kohandada. Õppekava on mõeldud kõigile huvilistele, kes usuvad, et nad saavad seda rakendada oma töös noortega, eriti puuetega noortega.

Õppekava on kolme projektipartneri (Zagrebi Linna Kurtide ja Vaegkuuljate Ühing, Youth Power Germany, Istituto ad ordinamento Universitario “Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio”) koostöö tulemus ja seda on nende kodumaades katsetatud.

Lehrplan für Jugendarbeiter:innen

Lehrplan für Jugendarbeiter:innen

Das erste im Rahmen dieses Projekts entwickelte Bildungsmaterial ist ein Lehrplan mit dem Titel „Lehrplan für Jugendarbeiter:innen: Wie man die unternehmerischen und beschäftigungsbezogenen Fähigkeiten von gehörlosen und schwerhörigen Jugendlichen stärkt“. Er richtet sich an Jugendarbeiter:innen wie Fachkräfte aus dem Sozialwesen, Expert:innen im Beschäftigungssektor, Personen, die in zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen arbeiten und möglicherweise mit gehörlosen und schwerhörigen Personen sowie Personen mit Kommunikationshindernissen während ihrer Arbeit zu tun haben. Das Ziel ist es, sie in der Karriereberatung und professionellen Führung von gehörlosen und schwerhörigen Personen sowie Personen mit Kommunikationshindernissen zu schulen.


Der Lehrplan besteht aus 10 Moduln, wobei jedes Modul mehrere Sitzungen enthält, die detailliert mit Ablauf und Anweisungen zur Durchführung beschrieben sind. Darüber hinaus enthält der Lehrplan ergänzende Lesematerialien und Materialien, die für die Durchführung der beschriebenen Aktivitäten notwendig sind. Der Lehrplan basiert auf den Ansätzen, Prinzipien und Methoden der non-formalen Bildung. Er besteht aus interaktiven und partizipativen Methoden, die auf das Profil und die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmenden zugeschnitten sind, einige davon sind: interaktive Spiele, Reflexionsübungen, Simulationen, Einzelaktivitäten, Arbeiten in Paaren und Gruppen, Plenardiskussionen, theoretische Präsentationen, praktische Aufgaben und Austausch von Erfahrungswissen.


Die Modul des Lehrplans können unabhängig voneinander genutzt werden, unabhängig von den anderen Moduln. Obwohl jedes einzelne Modul und jede Sitzung empfohlene Dauerzeiten haben, ist dieser Lehrplan flexibel, sodass zukünftige Nutzer:innen ihn an ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen können. Der Lehrplan richtet sich an alle interessierten Parteien, die glauben, dass sie ihn in ihrer Arbeit mit jungen Menschen, insbesondere mit jungen Menschen mit Behinderungen, umsetzen können.

Dieser Lehrplan ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit von drei Partnern dieses Projekts (Verband der Gehörlosen und Schwerhörigen der Stadt Zagreb, Youth Power Germany e.V., Istituto ad ordinamento Universitario “Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio”) und wurde in ihren Ländern getestet.

Kurikulum za radnike s mladima

Kurikulum za radnike s mladima

Prvi obrazovni materijal koji je nastao u sklopu ovog projekta jest kurikulum naziva „ za radnike s mladima: Kako osnažiti poduzetničke vještine i vještine zapošljavanja među mladim gluhim i nagluhim osobama“. Namijenjen je osobama koje rade s mladima, poput stručnjaka iz sustava socijalne skrbi, stručnjaka koji rade u sektoru za zapošljavanje, osoba koje rade u organizacijama civilnog društva, a koji će tijekom svog rada potencijalno biti u doticaju s gluhim i nagluhim osobama te osobama s komunikacijskim teškoćama. Cilj je obučiti ih karijernom savjetovanju i profesionalnom usmjeravanju gluhih i nagluhih osoba te osoba s komunikacijskim teškoćama.


Kurikulum je podijeljen na 10 modula, a svaki modul ima nekoliko sesija s detaljno opisanim tijekom aktivnosti i uputstvima o provedbi. Također, kurikulum sadrži dodatne izvore za čitanje te materijale potrebne za provedbu opisanih aktivnosti. Kurikulum se zasniva na načelima i metodologiji neformalnog obrazovanja, a u opisane aktivnosti implementirane su različite metode učenja i poučavanja: interaktivne igre, reflektivne vježbe, simulacijski zadatci, individualne aktivnosti, rad u parovima i grupama, plenarne rasprave, teorijsko izlaganje, rad na praktičnim zadatcima i razmjena iskustvenog znanja.


Modul kurikuluma moguće je koristiti pojedinačno, neovisno o drugim modulima. Iako je za svaki pojedinačni modul, kao i sesiju navedeno preporučeno trajanje, ovaj je kurikulum podložan fleksibilnosti, stoga ga budući korisnici mogu prilagoditi vlastitim potrebama i mogućnostima. Kurikulum je namijenjen svim zainteresiranima koji smatraju da ga mogu implementirati u svom radu s mladima, a osobito s mladim osobama s invaliditetom.

Ovaj kurikulum rezultat je suradničkog rada triju partnera ovog projekta (Savez gluhih i nagluhih Grada Zagreba, Youth Power Germany, Sveučilišni institut „Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio“) i testiran je u njihovim državama.

Curriculum per Operatori Giovanili

Curriculum per Operatori Giovanili

Il primo materiale didattico sviluppato nell’ambito di questo progetto è un curriculum intitolato “Curriculum for Youth Workers: How to Empower Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youngsters’ Entrepreneurial and Employability Competenze”. È destinato agli operatori giovanili, ad esempio professionisti del sistema di assistenza sociale, esperti che lavorano nel settore dell’occupazione, persone che lavorano in organizzazioni della società civile, che possono potenzialmente lavorare con persone sorde e ipoacusiche, nonché con persone con difficoltà di comunicazione durante il loro lavoro. L’obiettivo è quello di formarli alla consulenza di carriera e all’orientamento professionale per le persone sorde e ipoacusiche e per le persone con difficoltà di comunicazione.


Il programma di studi è composto da 10 moduli, ognuno dei quali contiene diverse sessioni dettagliate con il flusso delle attività e le istruzioni per l’implementazione. Inoltre, il piano di studi comprende materiali di lettura supplementari e materiali necessari per l’implementazione delle attività descritte. Il curriculum si basa sull’approccio, sui principi e sui metodi dell’educazione non formale. Consiste in metodi interattivi e partecipativi adattati al profilo e alle esigenze dei partecipanti, alcuni dei quali sono: giochi interattivi, esercizi di riflessione, compiti di simulazione, attività individuali, lavoro in coppia e in gruppo, discussioni plenarie, presentazioni teoriche, attività pratiche e scambio di conoscenze esperienziali.


I moduli curriculari possono essere utilizzati individualmente, indipendentemente dagli altri moduli. Sebbene ogni singolo modulo e sessione abbia durate consigliate, questo curriculum è flessibile e consente ai futuri utenti di adattarlo alle proprie esigenze. Il curriculum è destinato a tutte le parti interessate che credono di poterlo implementare nel loro lavoro con i giovani, in particolare con i giovani con disabilità.

Questo curriculum è il risultato della collaborazione tra i tre partner di questo progetto (Associazione dei Sordi e degli Ipoacusici della Città di Zagabria, Youth Power Germania, Istituto ad ordinamento Universitario “Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio”) ed è stato testato nei loro Paesi.

Learning Library presented and collected feedback on the curriculum

Learning Library presented and collected feedback on the curriculum

As part of the process of piloting and collecting feedback on the developed Curriculum, Learning Library has presented and analysed the educational curriculum with international group of 22 youth workers. This session was organised as part of training course for youth workers organised in end of July 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.


Learning Library has presented the educational curriculum, and provided space for participants to analyse and ask questions regarding the content of the curriculum. Conclusions from the session were that youth workers find the material quite useful for organising local level activities with youngsters not only in the fields covered by the curriculum, but also in other fields by using the curriculum’s approach and tips for working with deaf and hard of hearing youngsters.


Participants gained insightful information and knowledge in using the educational resource, and adapting it to the needs of youngsters in their local communities.

Curriculum for Youth Workers

Curriculum for Youth Workers

The first educational material developed as part of this project is a curriculum titled „Curriculum for Youth Workers: How to Empower Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youngsters’ Entrepreneurial and Employability Skills“. It is intended for youth workers, such as professionals from the social welfare system, experts working in the employment sector, individuals working in civil society organizations, who may potentially work with deaf and hard of hearing persons, as well as persons with communication obstacles during their work. The objective is to train them in career advising and professional guidance for deaf and hard of hearing persons, and persons with communication obstacles.


The curriculum consists of 10 modules, with each module containing several sessions detailed with activity flow and implementation instructions. Additionally, the curriculum includes supplementary reading materials and materials necessary for the implementation of the described activities. The curriculum is based on the approach, principles and methods of non-formal education. It consists of interactive and participatory methods tailored to the participants profile and needs, some of them being: interactive games, reflective exercises, simulation tasks, individual activities, work in pairs and groups, plenary discussions, theoretical presentations, practical task work, and exchange of experiential knowledge.


The curriculum modules can be used individually, regardless of other modules. Although each individual module and session have recommended durations, this curriculum is flexible, allowing future users to adapt it to their own needs. The curriculum is intended for all interested parties who believe they can implement it in their work with young people, especially with young people with disabilities.


This curriculum is the result of collaborative work among three partners of this project (Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb, Youth Power Germany, Istituto ad ordinamento Universitario “Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio”), and has been tested in their countries.

Training for youth workers by Youth Power Germany

Training for youth workers by Youth Power Germany

Except for Italy and Croatia, a successful training was also organised in Germany by Youth Power Germany e.V. in June.


The four-day event, held from June 21st to 24th, focused on empowering individuals with enhanced employment and entrepreneurial skills, with a special emphasis on inclusivity for the deaf and hard of hearing.


Participants gained practical skills in entrepreneurship, communication, and career development, greatly benefiting from the interactive sessions.